Keis Inspiring Riders 2022-23 - recuitement

Keis Heated Apparel is looking for the UK and France’s most inspiring cold weather riders!

How it works:
- This challenge runs form the 1st November 2022 to the 15th of March 2023.
- From the 14th to the 25th of October 2022, motorcycle influencers will be invited to enter the 2022-2023 Keis Inspiring Riders challenge.
- The 12 participants will be selected and notified by the 31st of October 2022. 6 from the UK, and 6 from France.
- Each of the 12 Keis Inspiring Riders will be provided with some Keis heated motorcycle clothing and accessories, free of charge.
- Using social media channels, the Keis Inspiring Riders are challenged to show the motorcycle riding public why they should be crowned as one of this season's four most inspiring cold weather riders (in the United Kingdom and France), while tagging Keis Apparel’s social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube) into each of their posts - the tags will be provided.
- Whether it is a piece of content showing an interesting winter location to ride, opinions on motorcycles and motorcycle accessories, riding skills, cold weather riding tips… hacks… or unique experiences… we want to hear it all. Hopefully their posts can inspire other motorcycles to get out and enjoy the many pleasures of being an active all-year motorcyclist, even when it gets cold!
- The Keis Inspiring Riders can choose which of their social media channels they think would best reach the motorcycle public (remembering to tag Keis’s social media channels with their content) no matter how humble or impressive their social media following may be at the start of this campaign. It is the individuals, and their content, that can inspire, not the size of their initial social media following. To help the Keis Inspiring Riders reach greater audiences and grow their social presence, Keis Apparel will share all the greatest weekly content across various social media platforms, to reach as many fellow UK and French motorcyclists as possible. Sharing their content to anyone who enjoys motorcycling, and creating great exposure for each participant.
- While it is all up to the individual, we would suggest each of the 12 Keis Inspiring Riders aim to produce content as often as possible throughout the winter season… Whether it is an inspiring image, an interesting selfie; commentary on a topical issue; or an inspiring short video of their winter riding… We look forward to getting to know them all and their love for motorcycling all year round.
- Keis Apparel encourages all the 12 Keis Inspiring Riders to be safe at all times. To never to do anything that may cause any danger to themselves or someone else. To respect all other motorists, and UK and European Road Safety laws and guidelines, always.
- The 12 Keis Inspiring Riders will not only enjoy the use of their provided Keis heated clothing and accessories for their cold weather riding experiences but will also benefit from many more potential social media followers and admirers by the end of this challenge. Perfect for current or aspiring motorcycle influencers.
- Between the 15th and the 31st of March 2023 four winners (the four most inspiring riders over the 2022-2023 winter season... 2 from the UK and 2 from France) will be crowned by the Keis Apparel Inspiring Riders Judging Panel.
The Judging Criteria at the end of March 2023
While Keis Apparel believes that all the Keis Inspiring Riders will inspire us all to ride more in some way this winter - and all the participants are great positive advocates for the growing winter motorcycle communities - unfortunately, Keis will need to eventually select four of the most inspiring riders.
There were five content criteria that each finalist will be judged by:
- Engagement: (a value out of 20). To what extent (quantity) had a participant’s winter-riding content engaged UK viewers/readers? Were their followers liking and commenting on the posts and were the participants responding to them, e.g. answering any questions or being brand advocates themselves.
- Inspiration: (a value out of 20). How well did the Keis Inspiring Rider's content succeed in making their audience feel like they wanted to get out and ride during our winter season?
- Originality: (a value out of 20). Whether it was the concept, or the context. A unique idea, or a fresh new angle. Did the Keis Inspiring Rider create any original content? Any original ideas that fitted their platform, following and influencer style.
- Quality: (a value out of 20). In comparison with most user-produced motorcycle content, had the Keis Inspiring Rider managed to provide a high level of finish to their winter riding content? High quality images or well put together and edited videos, well written captions or pieces.
- Informative: (a value out of 20). Did a Keis Inspiring Rider's audience learn something new or interesting about a relevant aspect of motorcycling in the winter season? Whether about motorcycles, gear, riding, routes, etc.
The panel of judges will independently awarded each Keis Inspiring Rider a score per criteria, which combine to represent a numeric value of how inspiring each finalist had been this winter (1st November 2022 to 15th March 2023),
Early in April, four finalists will be crowned as the 2022 to 2023 Most Inspiring Winter Riders, in the UK and France.
Do you wish to take part?
If you have received your invitation to be selected as a 2022-2023 Keis Inspiring Rider, please let us know your interest by completing the form below.
We will confirm your participation before the 1st of November 2022.