Riding in Rain - Top Tips for Wet Weather Motorbike Riding - Keis Heated Apparel

Riding in Rain - Top Tips for Wet Weather Motorbike Riding

It’s no surprise that UK weather is wildly unpredictable, especially this time of year as we sit on the brink of winter. Riding in the rain can be enjoyable, if done correctly, and you can extend your season for as long as possible if the right precautions are taken and you have the right kit.  

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Tips for riding in poor weather conditions:  

  • Choose the right gear: you’ll need good quality, waterproof clothing. Staying dry is the key to staying warm, meaning you have full control of your bike as you’re not feeling cold which in turn can affect your concentration as well as your ability to use your bike controls. Keis heated gloves are a great start to keeping warm 
  • Keep extra protective clothing and emergency supplies in your luggage or dry bags: the weather can be unpredictable and in the event of a sudden hailstorm or pouring of rain, having extra clothing with you can make the biggest difference to the enjoyability of your ride. Always worthwhile keeping a spare phone charger with you too!   
  • Maintain a safe distance: visibility rapidly decreases in the rain for both bikers and car drivers. Maintaining a safe distance from any vehicles in front ensures that you have enough time to react to any condition or driver changes 
  • Ride smooth: in rain, everything you do on your bike should be calculated and done smoothly. A lot of modern motorcycles have a weather mode that helps with traction control and helps with throttle adjustment. Remember that the rain increases your risk of sliding, so increase your following distance and avoid braking last minute 
  • Watch out for standing water: especially on motorways or dual carriageways with concrete barriers, as these prevent proper drainage. A tip for avoiding risk of hydroplaning, is to watch cars ahead of you for any signs of water spray so you can spot higher risk points quicker